Direct Electronic Deposit 256 Bit Secure Loan Application

Loan Approval Assistance wants to help improve your chances of getting your loan approved.

Please Take Care When Entering Your Information

These are the 5 most common errors that cause an application to be rejected:

1. Unacceptable Monthly Income. Income lower then $1,000 per month.

2. Incorrect or Invalid Bank Routing or Account Numbers. Be sure to entering bank account information accurately. Routing numbers are always 9 digits.

3. Invalid Driver's License. Symbols are not accepted. Only numbers and letters.

4. Incorrect Pay Date. Pay Date's cannot fall on a weekend or holiday and must be valid.

5. Incomplete or inaccurate information. Submit complete and accurate information only.

For your protection, nor any of its lenders receive your tax refund directly nor do they request copies of your tax returns. To further assist you and due to the potential of the IRS either keeping or delaying your tax refund the repayment date of the loan will be set on one of your pay dates. We hope you understand that since we do not file your taxes and cannot know for certain the amount you will be refunded from the IRS, we must base your Refund Anticipation Loan amount on your current income and cap the maximum loan amount at $1500.

Secure & Private Service

Income Tax Advances is an online lender that provides safe and secure refund anticipation loans to consumers who have their paycheck direct deposited into a checking or savings account. Since we base your refund anticipation loan off your income you are never required to supply a copy of your income tax return and you can apply even before you file your taxes and you can apply right here online. We collect information about your bank account details, as well as employment details, and we keep all data confidential. We only use it to process your online income tax loan. Your information is always safe when you apply for Income Tax Advances Online.

Through encryption and high levels of data security, we protect you and we keep your information safe. Our systems have been developed to guard against identity theft. We understand how valuable your personal details are: your social security number, bank account number, address and phone numbers, etc.

The phrase SSL Certified is short for Secure Sockets Layer. This is a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data - a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Many web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. All current browsers support SSL.